March 19, 2024Blue Crab Season Is Here Virginia!

March 18th, 2024 is the opening day for Blue Crab harvesting in the state of Virginia. The Chesapeake Bay region is known for it’s Blue Crab and Virginia is no exception. Based on the latest landing figures from NOAA and the VMRC Virginia commercial watermen and women landed 18,263,272 pounds of Blue Crab that had a total value of $35,430,343.89 in 2021. The VMPB would like to highlight the importance of these commercial watermen and women. They get up at the crack of dawn, battling rough weather, and strong winds to provide us with wild caught Virginia Seafood.
Blue Crab is highly regarded for its sweet tasting meat and is a traditional summer delight for residents of Virginia. Purchasing locally harvested Blue Crab is a great way to support commercial watermen and women who provide us with fresh and sustainable Virginia Seafood. Blue Crab is the VMPB Fish of the Day, follow this link to find delicious Blue Crab recipes.